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Constitutional Report

Iridology is the study of health via an examination of the iris, (coloured section of the eye) the sclera (white of the eye) and the structural aspects of the eye including the pupil (the black centre) pupil border and collarette.

The iris is the most complex external structure of the human anatomy. It has a reflex connection to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the nervous system. Through the optic nerves, which are attached to the eyes, visual information is sent to the brain. At the same time, there is information sent back to the eyes from the brain about the state of the organs and tissues in your body. It has been said: “the eye is the window of the soul”.

So book your personalised constitutional report now to determine your nurture points within the body in order to prevent illness and maintain optimum wellness.


  • An in-depth comprehensive constitutional iris analysis delivered in PDF format to your email
  • Holistic dietary, lifestyle, supplementary, herbal solutions offered throughout the report
  • Priority list given at the end of the report to help you focus on the most important issues first.

This report will cover your constitutional strengths and weaknesses. And reveal what areas to focus on to help improve your health. 

Email of eye photo instructions provided upon purchase.