What is Iridology + Sclerology 

 Iridology + Sclerology helps get to the root issues of your symptoms and guides you to LIVE DIFFERENT. Start regaining ultimate health with eye opening guided direction. 


Iridology Feature

Find out what your multilayered constitutions are and discover how to ideally live different and regain your health. 

Sclerology Feature

See where in your body you are most congested, toxic and stressed. Awareness is key to heal the root problems not just the symptoms.



Iridology is the study of health via an examination of the iris, (coloured section of the eye) the sclera (white of the eye) and the structural aspects of the eye including the pupil (the black centre) the pupil border and collarette.

The iris is the most complex external structure of the human anatomy. It has a reflex connection to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the nervous system. Through the optic nerves, which are attached to the eyes, visual information is sent to the brain. At the same time there is information sent back to the eyes from the brain about the state of the organs and tissues in your body. It has been said: "the eye is the window of the soul".

Iridologists assess the variations of colour and fibre structure to assess constitutional strength of our physical body, as well as aspects of the personality, which can be influenced by conscious and subliminal emotional patterns. Iridology is not a treatment therapy but rather a diagnostic tool used to detect underlying signs of developing disease. Iridology is used to determine health problems at their earliest stages in order to prevent illness and maintain optimum wellness.

Inflammation, acidity, drug deposits, genetic weaknesses, stress indicators, and lymphatic stagnation can all be pinpointed using this incredible science. This means, without a shadow of a doubt, Iridology is the most holistic and accurate tool for identifying causal weaknesses in the body. Iridology, accompanied by discerned solutions, is a gateway into your own health and provides a starting point to your own healing journey.

Today, people are in need of preventative health care and less complex methods on analysing their condition. Mitchell uses Iridology to provide a non-invasive, painless and economical means of looking into the body of his clients to gain a better perspective into their current and past health status, which allows him to provide a unique and specific detox protocol. Additionally, it allows Mitchell to provide more suitable and relatable holistic solutions to your underlying challenges.

The Eyes Are Truly The Window To The Soul!

No two irises are the same, they are more detailed and unique than your finger prints.

Iridology is an art and science of analysing the delicate structure of the coloured portion of the eye, the iris. The iris reveals the constitutional health level of an individual with detailed information pertaining to their physical strengths and weaknesses.

Book your iris reading below.