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Why Is My Vitamin D So LOW?! A health marker thatโ€™s worth paying attention to...

Uncategorized Apr 05, 2024

This post had to be made and here's why...

Every client I have seen and worked with is Vit D deficient!

As a Holisitic Health Coach and Detoxification specialist I am alway in the quest for vibrant health and vitality, not only for myself but also for my clients. A big part of my work in the beginning when I onboard clients is to analyse blood markers in their functional range and not one client has every been in a healthy range.

In my experience I see many of my clients Dr's and other health professionals often overlookng the importance of a humble yet mighty nutrient: vitamin D. Despite its critical role in various bodily functions, many of us find ourselves deficient in this essential vitamin. But why is that? Let's explore the common causes behind low vitamin D levels and what you can do to optimize your intake.

Main Causes of Low Vitamin D

The most common reason for this vitamin being so low is a phobia of one thing in their diet…

It’s the phobia of fat in the...

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Escaping Hell and Embracing Heaven: How To Find True Freedom Within

Uncategorized Jul 27, 2023

Life can sometimes throw us into the depths of despair. We face difficult, scary, and painful times that make us feel as though we're trapped in a personal hell. However, it's crucial to remember that this hellish season is not our permanent dwelling place. As my old man used to tell me, "If you're walking through hell, keep walking." So, let's keep going!

But how can we escape this internal hell, the pain, and the suffering that seem to hold us captive? How does one keep walking when we just want to collapse and give up? How can we break free from the strongholds that have plagued us for far too long? The answers lie in understanding the tactics of hell and reclaiming our souls, health, and energy. Before you move on, I encourage you to keep reading and discover the path to liberation.

Walking Through Hell

Recently, I found myself walking through my own personal hell. The chaos of the world began to poison my soul, causing me to lose my inner strength, focus, and energy. My mental...

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HEALING IS HARD: The Warrior's Spirit Journey to Natural Healing and Detoxification

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2023

Instagram is full of inspiring quotes and captions, but sometimes a simple phrase can capture the essence of a much larger idea. "Healing is Hard" is one such statement that is at the top of my instagram feed as it resonates with many people, especially those on a journey towards natural healing and detoxification. And because it's hard it requires our inner warrior to battle the hardships that come along this journey of natural healing methods and detoxification.

In this blog post, I'll explore with you what it means to heal naturally, how it can be challenging, and some tips and tricks for making the journey more fun and enjoyable to support your inner warrior. 

What is Natural Healing?

Natural healing refers to the practice of using natural remedies and techniques to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This can include things like herbal medicine, acupuncture, meditation, breathwork, ice baths and saunas, yoga, and more. The idea behind natural...

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